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Débuter avec FLAC2D/FLAC3D
25 feb. 2025 - 26 feb. 2025

This training is an introduction to continuous modeling with FLAC2D and FLAC3D. At the end of the course, participants will master the graphical interface, documentation and the main modeling steps. Concepts are illustrated using a tunnel excavation example, from building the model geometry to results analysis. This introductory course provides the foundation for more advanced use of the software, which can be covered in more specific training modules.

Débuter avec 3DEC
11 mars 2025 - 12 mars 2025

Objectives of the training:

  • Understand the 3DEC numerical approach and the types of problems it can solve
  • Know how to manipulate the 3DEC user interface to access and interpret results
  • Follow the recommended solution procedure to simulate a simple case

Python in Itasca Software
26 mars 2025 - 27 mars 2025

Itasca Educational Partnership

IEP Research Program
IEP Teaching Program


MINEDW Tutorial (Part 3: Boundary Conditions)

In this tutorial we will take a look at the different boundary conditions available to the user, and we will go over some examples of different scenarios in which they would be used.

FLAC3D 6 0 Model Generation using the Building Blocks Handle
Rockmass Integration

This example describes how to import and use structural data generated by Rockmass Technologies mapping instrumentation.

Artiklar och presentationer

Application of InSAR for Monitoring Deformations at the Kiirunavaara Mine

Assess the use InSAR technology for LKAB's purposes - as a replacement and/or complement to current GPS measurements.

The role of rock mass heterogeneity and buckling mechanisms in excavation performance in foliated ground at Westwood Mine, Quebec

Operations at Westwood mine in Quebec, Canada were temporarily halted in May 2015 after three large-magnitude seismic events occurred over two days. The mechanisms leading to these events, which caused severe damage to several accesses, were not well understood at first. This paper presents the key aspects of FLAC3D back-analysis modelling, which include (1) an anisotropic rock mass strength model with properties derived from field and laboratory strength testing, and (2) a scheme to account implicitly for the deconfinement that accompanies buckling around excavations.

Solving rock mechanics issues through modelling: then, now, and in the future?
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Kommande händelser
25 feb.
Débuter avec FLAC2D/FLAC3D
This training is an introduction to continuous modeling with FLAC2D and FLAC3D. At the end of the course, participants will master the ... Läs mer
11 mars
Débuter avec 3DEC
Objectives of the training: Understand the 3DEC numerical approach and the types of problems it can solveKnow how to manipulate the 3DE... Läs mer
26 mars
Python in Itasca Software
... Läs mer