Microseismic Evaluation

Itasca’s unique workflow uses observed microseismicity quantitatively to inform and calibrate geomechanical modeling. Microseismic geomechanics enhances the understanding and value of monitoring data by integrating geomechanics into the interpretation. It increases confidence in geomechanical modeling by ensuring consistency with field diagnostics.

Geomechanical models are constructed using rock properties and stresses computed from core log measurements, and the attributes of the microseismic events can be used to construct a model Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) based on orientation and density.

For example, synthetic microseismicity calculated during hydraulic fracturing simulations can be compared to the field-observed microseismicity. Model parameters can then be adjusted until a good match is achieved, resulting in a calibrated model that can be used to gain insights into the sensitivity of fracture geometry to geomechanical parameters, and to investigate the effects of changes in completion design.

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Kommande händelser
25 feb.
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