Our Stories

Our project engineers represent the slightly younger staff at Itasca Consultants AB. They contribute with creativity and enthusiasm, as well as fresh competence from areas where we traditionally have had less projects. From left to right:

Ott Oisalu is our latest hire, and he will initially work with rock mechanics for different mining projects. As part of the "on-boarding" program at Itasca, Ott has been given an internal mentor here in Sweden and an external mentor at our office in Minneapolis. He has also participated in training for our modeling software; all skills that will come to use in our projects!

Sebastian Hortberg has, ever since he started with us in 2016, worked with projects in a range of different areas – from field work, mapping, and ground control operational support, to numerical analysis for complex tunnel crossings and different mining methods. Sebastian is currently working with on-site rock mechanics operational support to the Björkdal mine, at the same time as he is conducting three-dimensional analyses for the Västlänken railway tunnel in Gothenburg.

Jennifer Hellberg did her graduation project at Itasca, and she then started working for us! Jennifer contributes with meticulous analyses and modeling work, for both infrastructure and mining applications. She has worked with underground repositories, mining prefeasibility studies, and stability analyses for ore passes.

Bruno Figueiredo joined Itasca in 2018 after a post-doc position at the Uppsala University. Bruno has specialist competence on coupled, hydro-mechanical analyses in rock mechanics. While at Itasca, he has further developed himself towards both mining and infrastructure applications. He is also working extensively with analyses and investigations for storage of spent nuclear fuel in Sweden and Finland.

Joel Andersson, who has worked with us for approximately 2.5 years, applies his engineering knowledge in a wide field, including 3D-models for the Västlänken project, numerical models for rock mechanics evaluation of mining methods, and most recently an analysis of rehab reinforcement needs for the SFR facility in Forsmark.

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